Sport activities
to 2.5 Km in our area
Les Capitaineries de Namur
La Capitainerie propose au public namurois et (inter)national un espace de loisir , de culture et de sport convivial et accessible à tous , tout au long de la saison estivale (du 15 avril au 15 octobre). La Capitainerie vous propose : Bar Petite restauration Port de plaisance Location : Stand up paddle (SANS RESERVATION) Bateaux électriques sans permis (réservation en ligne) Canoës-kayaks (SANS RESERVATION) Nous mettons à votre disposition du matériel neuf et haut de gamme pour une pratique des activités en toute sécurité et vous garantir un moment 100% plaisir. Horaire (du 15 avril au 15 octobre) : Du dimanche au mercredi de 10h à 21h Du jeudi au samedi de 10h à 22h Organisation d'événements : EVG, EGJF, soirée privée,team bulding, anniversaire, concert, mariage, lancement de produits, évènement sportif,... Les capitaineries de Namur vous accueillent dans une atmosphère agréable et dépaysante à Jambes boulevard de la Meuse (à hauteur du n°40) ou à la plage d'Amée rue des peupliers 2 5100 Jambes. Accueil de groupes de 5 à 300 personnes et adaptons nos offres selon vos souhaits. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour une offre personnalisée.
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Cultural activity
to 25.4 Km in our area
Château de Vêves
With its magnificent towers and beautiful woodwork, the Château de Vêves seems straight out of a fairy tale. It is considered one of the most beautiful medieval castles in Belgium, an exceptional heritage site in Wallonia. The history of the Château de Vèves Restored between 1969 and 1979, it is today open to the public. Fiefdom of Pépin de Herstal in the 8th century, then fortress of the Lords of Beaufort (rebuilt by them in 1410), then home of their descendants the Counts of Liedekerke Beaufort, Vêves appears to us today as a living and harmonious witness to past centuries and a brilliant example of military art . A magical castle Perched on a rocky peak, it is made up of five admirable towers as well as a remarkable half-timbered gallery (16th century). By discovering the castle apartments, the visitor will also be taken in by the charm of a refined atmosphere: 18th century furniture, rare porcelain, historical souvenirs and paintings. Entertainment for children The castle offers children the opportunity to dress up as a knight or princess during their visit! The costume is included in the entry price. Did you like Sleeping Beauty Castle? You will love the Château de Vêves!
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Sport activities
to 2.2 Km in our area
Les ateliers de la bicyclette
Un magasin de vélo et un atelier mécanique au sein d'une coopérative situé dans les anciens guichets de la gare de Jambes - Namur - Belgique.
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Sport activities
to 8.1 Km in our area
Authentik escapade
The mission of Authentik escapade is to highlight local tourism and the authenticity of our regions in Belgium (and soon elsewhere). You inspire and facilitate your getaways by offering experiences on themes such as gastronomy, culture and many other areas. (Re)Discover unique places or regions a few hours from us. Authentic getaway : It is a local travel guide with a sustainable spirit that brings together and highlights guides, amazing activity providers, passionate accommodation managers or producers with unparalleled know-how. It is therefore a platform for referencing and connecting the various players in tourism and future people eager to discover the authenticity of our beautiful kingdom (and why not elsewhere). As a future visitor , you will find a multitude of themed experiences (for couples, families, cultural, gastronomic friends, etc.) but also events and good deals offered by and with theAuthentik's partners. From day tourism to micro-adventure, we make it easier to find and organize these moments of relaxation with family, friends or even colleagues. Authentik escapade is a professional team on a human scale, it is local partners, passionate guides and producers rooted in the Walloon region. Return to the simple things of life, close to home, favoring exchanges, connections.... Just one word: DARE authenticity !!
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Sport activities
to 29.8 Km in our area
Ardenne Vélos
DISCOVER OUR RANGE OF BIKES & SCOOTER Ardenne Vélos offers a range of bikes for all ages, for the motivated and for the sporty. With comfortable city bikes and electric bikes, you will discover hidden treasures along flat, traffic-free cycle paths or along the ""Famenne à vélo"" cycle network. The children's bikes in various sizes offer you the possibility to go for bike rides with the whole family. For the little ones, there are child seats or bike trailers available. Mountain bikes with suspended forks and powerful disc brakes are ideal for traversing the vast forests.
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Sport activities
to 18.2 Km in our area
Cet été Vagabond'arbres vous propose une expérience insolite, partager un repas dans un arbre majestueux, perché à 5m de haut.
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Natural heritage
to 9.8 Km in our area
Les Jardins d'Annevoie
Discover these landscaped gardens 250 years ago and listed in the major heritage of Wallonia. Stroll among the fountains, the waterfalls, the ponds and the fountains, through the ordered French gardens, the intimate Italian or even the wilder English. Bicentennial gardens Located in the province of Namur, the Annevoie Gardens are the only water gardens in Belgium. Housed in the 18th century, they are among the most beautiful in Europe. This major heritage of Wallonia, where the charm of nature reigns is to discover the seasons. Water gardens The gardens do not use any machinery. The water flows naturally, only thanks to the natural unevenness. Discover strolling alleys, dozens of waterfalls and fountains, pools, ponds and symmetrical rows of majestic trees. Style gardens At every turn, this magical place offers you a new landscape: the superb perspectives of the French gardens, the fantasy of the English style and the intimate charm of the Italian style. Let yourself be surprised by a dazzling and romantic show at each stop. Your kids will also love the wooden playground with a lot of fun for 3-12 year olds. Do not miss his French garden. Visitors with special needs This attraction offers facilities or facilities for people with special needs: Deaf people with difficulty of comprehension: plans with explanations are available This structure is not certified Access-i, we invite you to contact directly to it to know the conditions of actual accessibility.
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Cultural activity
to 16.2 Km in our area
Maredsous Abbey and Saint-Joseph Visitors Centre
Informations pratiques : Merci de vous rendre le jour même, un peu avant l'heure de la visite, au BUREAU D'ACCUEIL TOURISTIQUE SUR L'AILE DROITE DU BATIMENT SAINT-JOSEPH. Vous y trouverez le bureau d'accueil pour les visites guidées. Vous pourrez y signaler votre arrivée et vous recevrez les instructions pour le départ de la visite guidée. Merci de bien respecter les heures de visites afin de permettre le bon déroulement de celles-ci.
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Cultural activity
to 3.3 Km in our area
Office du Tourisme de Namur - Centre Info gare
« Elue 7ème plus belle destination européenne » La Capitale de la Wallonie vous invite à la découverte, à la flânerie, à la détente ou encore à l'aventure ! Vous serez sans nul doute séduits par sa générosité, sa gastronomie et son riche patrimoine. Namur, c'est le charme et la tranquillité d'une ville nichée au confluent de la Sambre et de la Meuse, protégée par sa Citadelle et entourée d'un magnifique écrin de verdure. Randonneurs, cyclistes, plaisanciers, sportifs ou tout simplement amoureux de plein air et de nature, Namur vous invite à prendre le temps de sillonner ses innombrables sentiers, ses forêts et ses berges…A pied, à vélo, en bateau voire perché sur un stand-up paddle, découvrez de multiples points de vue originaux sur la ville ! N'hésitez pas à pousser les portes de l'Office du Tourisme ! Voici les services que nous vous proposons : conseils personnalisés sur Namur et la Vallée de la Meuse Namur-Dinant distribution de dépliants d'information organisation de visites guidées pour individuels et pour groupes vente d'articles souvenirs et de produits du terroir vente de cartes de promenades à pied et à vélo de la région. Heures d'ouverture : d'avril à septembre : ouvert 7J/7 de 9h30 à 18h d'octobre à mars : du lundi au samedi de 9h30 à 18h et les dimanches & jours fériés de 11h à 15h. fermé les 25 décembre et 1er janvier.
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Cultural activity
to 11.9 Km in our area
Château de Bioul "made in Bioul"
A wine château steeped in history and a family proud of its heritage! Heritage From the 11th century to the present day, the Château de Bioul has spanned the ages. This one has many stories to tell you! Come discover its secrets! A vineyard In 2009, the Bioul vineyard was created by Vanessa and Andy Wyckmans-Vaxelaire. The choice of grape varieties focused on resistant varieties in order to produce local wines, with an identity while respecting the environment and nature. The vineyard has been certified organic since 2019 and is worked in accordance with the principles of biodynamics. A route: Made In Bioul! The interactive tour will take you into the past of the château and the Vaxelaire family, before introducing you to the birth of the wine estate, the organic viticulture practiced in our vines, the majestic vat room and its secrets. A century-old park The landscaped park, one of the most beautiful in the kingdom, will invite you to stroll and stroll. This is complemented by an audio tour which will take you through the history and anecdotes of the Château, the park and its vineyards. The Chais bar, its tastings and its snacks Complete your visit with a tasting of the different vintages, a board made with local products or even a picnic basket to take to the park! A question ? Contact us via our contact form https://www.chateaudebioul. be/contact us By telephone at 0032/71.799.943 or by email at Please note, the Made In Bioul route is not accessible to wheelchairs.
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Cultural activity
to 3.3 Km in our area
The Museum of Decorative Arts in Namur is housed in the former private mansion of the Counts of Groesbeeck and the Marquis de Croix, a building classified as Exceptional Heritage bought by the City of Namur in 1935. The museum managed by the Culture Service of the Ville evokes in an authentic way the life of a prestigious 18th century residence by presenting a rich collection of decorative art from the 17th to the 19th century. (painting, sculpture, silverware, earthenware, crystals, furniture, tapestry ...). The museum will integrate the new museum pole of the City, "the Bateliers Namur".
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Cultural activity
to 3.2 Km in our area
The NID puts citizens at the heart of the debate around the future of Namur and questions the role of cities in the face of current and future challenges. Our society faces many dangers: climate change, energy dependence, erosion of biodiversity, conflicts, loss of social ties, impoverishment ... If cities are - at least in part - at the origin of these problems, they can also be the source of solutions! To reflect together on these challenges, the NID deploys 3 spaces: Namur in question Namur in transition Namur tomorrow
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Cultural activity
to 3.5 Km in our area
[TEST ORC] L'Attraction d'ici
Le château d'Esneux propose des visites guidées.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 2.2 Km in our area
Galerie du Beffroi - Art Gallery
Située en centre-ville, à quelques pas du Théâtre royal et de la Place d'Armes, la Galerie du Beffroi est gérée par le Service Culture. Elle accueille des expositions individuelles d'artistes contemporains (belges ou internationaux) ainsi que des expositions collectives dans le cadre d'événements culturels tels que la Rétrospective des photographes de presse et la biennale Chambres avec Vues. Sa programmation est également rythmée par l'actualité et les événements namurois tels que la Quinzaine de la Nature, le Festival International du Film Francophone (FIFF), le KiKK Festival et Artisanamur. La Galerie du Beffroi peut être louée pour des expositions, réunions, événements culturels.
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Cultural activity
to 3.2 Km in our area
Les bateliers, Musées archéologique et des Arts décoratifs
This unique cultural ensemble is gradually opening up to the public! Pending the completion of the interior fittings of the exhibition rooms of the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Decorative Arts, the City of Namur has gradually opened the Pole Les Bateliers to all audiences. Following the recommendations of "Namur Confluent Culture", the city's cultural project until 2022, the Pole hosts many other forms of art than archeology and the decorative arts. Since 2014, Les Bateliers have hosted Heritage Days, Artistic Crafts Days in the Province of Namur, the biennial Chambers with Views, Namur in May, the Kikk Festival, the International Francophone Film Festival, the Music Festival. The Chapel and the different spaces of the two museums are regularly the setting for classical music concerts, theatrical performances, exhibitions, parades, artistic workshops, not to mention the numerous filming of programs, television series and films including "The Visitors 3", "The young Karl Marx", "The crazy story of Max and Leon" and the series "De Bende van Jan de Lichte".
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 13 Km in our area
Escargotière de Warnant
The Warnant snail has been installed for over 30 years in the beautiful Molignée valley We breed, process and market the maxima petit gris snails, commonly called gros gris We master the entire breeding cycle from reproduction to the finished product. Our snails are fed with a flour composed of wheat and corn supplemented by a sowing of greenery in the parks. The result is a product of superior quality, tender and full of flavor, appreciated by professionals and gourmets. We offer several recipes, classic or more original, that amateurs will find in our store, in restaurants in the region or in the "local products" department of different shops. Our breeding can be visited in group or in family for a nice and instructive moment
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Sport activities
to 19.8 Km in our area
Grizzly Outdoor
Organization of tailor-made packraft hikes for all types of events and all audiences. Rental of packraft equipment.
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Cultural activity
to 3.2 Km in our area
The Archaeological Museum of Namur is a cultural and scientific establishment managed by the City of Namur. It is one of the oldest museums in Belgium and one of the most important in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in terms of archeology. Created by the Archaeological Society of Namur in 1849, it had been installed in the Halle al'Chair since 1855! It has acquired an important reputation in Europe, notably due to its collections from the end of Roman Antiquity and the Merovingian period. The Archaeological Museum will soon be accessible to the public again in a brand new exhibition space within the Pôle Les Bateliers , rue Saintraint, next to the other municipal museum, the Museum of Decorative Arts (Hôtel de Groesbeeck- de Croix) , with which he will share a common welcome in the Chapel of the Boatmen. The complete overhaul of the museography, currently underway, aims to make visitors rediscover the archaeological collections devoted to the Namur region - from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages - but also to put into perspective the knowledge acquired by archeology to understand the present and serve the future. The permanent exhibition rooms are currently closed to the public but the Archaeological Museum of Namur still carries out its research and dissemination missions and is also exported through various temporary exhibitions within the Pole or outside the walls.
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Cultural activity
to 25.2 Km in our area
A Walk through Nature and History Located in the Lesse Valley, not far from Dinant, the Furfooz Nature Reserve invites you to explore archaeological, natural, and geological heritage through a family-friendly walk of about 4 km. Perfect for Families The Furfooz park is particularly suitable for family outings. With its diverse environments (forests, meadows, Lesse riverbanks, etc.), the nature walk winds its way past 15 remarkable elements of the reserve that will satisfy both young and old alike. A delightful pit stop at the park's refreshment stand, named La Flobette, is possible along the Lesse. Don't forget your camera... Furfooz, a Slice of Provence When it comes to nature, the sunny, rocky cliffs also host quite interesting plants typical of sun-drenched limestone slopes, providing ample satisfaction for numerous insects. The site is also maintained by sheep. Moreover, the park is a recognized nature reserve accredited by the Walloon Region and unique in Belgium. An Exceptional Heritage On the historical side, the Furfooz massif has been continuously inhabited since prehistoric times (caves) up to the medieval period (plateau). Over time, the Lesse River has carved through the entire rocky massif, leaving behind a multitude of caves, caverns, and holes. These have been inhabited by humans for millennia (approximately 14,000 years). Additionally, you can see the start of the Lesse's underground branch. The archaeological heritage is very rich, as numerous objects have been found here, allowing us to trace the site's occupation over time. Closer to our time, a fortress and baths were erected at the end of the Roman period. Only the ruins remain, though the baths were completely reconstructed in 1958; this life-size monument alone is worth the visit!
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 19.6 Km in our area
Dinant Citadel
Built in 1051 by the Prince-bishop of Liège, the Citadel stands proudly above the Dinant city and offers a striking view of the Meuse. Carried away in the glass cabin of the cable car, you will find throughout the route, in addition to the Arms Museum, objects and didactic panels retracing the glorious past of this Mosan city. Discover its history, key to its citadel and its inhabitants during the First World War. End your visit with a gourmet break in one of our restaurants. Want to admire Dinant from every angle? Combine a visit to the Dinant Citadel with a cruise on the Meuse with Croisières Mosanes.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural heritage
to 28.9 Km in our area
Villers Abbey
The Abbaye de Villers (Villers Abbey), situated in the commune of Villers-la-Ville (Belgium) in grounds of more than 36 hectares, is a destination site imbued with history and emotion.
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Cultural activity
to 23.3 Km in our area
Château et jardins de Freÿr
Estate including the castle (16-18 th), the gardens (18 th) and the nature reserves (woods, rocks, banks of the Meuse, ..) registered as EXCEPTIONAL HERITAGE. Furnished interior, Family home for 22 generations, Royal guests. Water games, Orange trees more than three hundred years old, Orangeries (18th), 6km long hedged groves, Stuccoed Belvedere (18th). An attractive place full of charm and atmosphere.
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Cultural activity
to 29.9 Km in our area
Le Bois du Cazier
First attraction of the Pays de Charleroi with 60,000 annual visitors, this essential must be marked with a cross on the tourist map of Wallonia! South of Charleroi, the Bois du Cazier is an unmissable cultural place against the background of industrial heritage.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 18.2 Km in our area
Maison du patrimoine médiéval mosan
Bouvignes, medieval city on the Meuse ... Its old houses, its rich heritage, its craft traditions and its "copper drummers". In the heart of the old city, push the door and come and immerse yourself in the turbulent history of the Mosan valley. The Maison du patrimoine médiéval mosan invites you to discover: the river, the city and the castle, man and his environment in the Middle Ages, religious foundations and funeral rites, ceramics and brassware ... Permanent and temporary exhibitions, models, multimedia terminals, original illustrations and authentic objects from recent archaeological excavations.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 11.3 Km in our area
Les Grottes de Goyet
Profitez d'une réduction de -10% à partir de 4 tickets achetés avec le code promo: 4P Au cœur de la vallée namuroise du Samson, faites une pause et descendez dans la beauté souterraine de la nature aux Grottes de Goyet. Ce sont 7 grottes naturellement splendides qui s'entremêlent dans un dédale de stalagmites et draperies. Patrimoine souterrain rare et protégé, les Grottes de Goyet sont un des sites préhistoriques les plus prestigieux d'Europe. Animaux de l'Âge de glace, Neandertal, Cro-Magnon et même le plus ancien chien du monde y ont laissé leurs traces.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 20.4 Km in our area
Ferme-Brasserie de Bertinchamps
Notre famille était à la recherche d'un site de caractère pour y développer une nouvelle brasserie et ainsi continuer la longue liste des bières déjà brassées par notre père, Benoît Humblet. En 2011 nous découvrons à proximité de Gembloux, la vieille Ferme en carré de Bertinchamps sise au milieu des champs dans un superbe environnement, mais dans un piteux état. La ferme nécessite une rénovation totale, nous démarrons donc directement les travaux en mettant souvent nous-même les mains dans le béton. Puis en mars 2013 notre installation brassicole ultra moderne d'une capacité annuelle de 6.000 hl est placée dans les vieilles granges, contraste saisissant entre la pointe de la technologie et un site de plus de 7 siècles. Activité Culturelle à Gembloux
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Cultural activity
to 3.6 Km in our area
Computer Museum NAM-IP
In the NAM-IP computer museum more than 300 artefacts allow you to discover the history of computer science and its premise. For those who want to understand how our world became digital, a visit is mandatory. Our collections extend from Hollerith's statistical machine (end 19th century) until today's touch screens. We offer two tracks to our visitors: a chronological, uncovering the technical and technological innovations in the past; the other lets you discover the collections donated to the King Baudouin Foundation. Our museum track leads you from the origins of computers and the digital world. Starting from the very first accounting and typing machines, via punched card machinery you arrive at the first computers installed in Belgium in the sixties and the personal computers of the eighties and nineties.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 13.3 Km in our area
Un site riche en découvertes pour les amoureux de nature, pour une balade en famille ou entre amis Ce domaine, retenu comme site Natura 2000 et situé à quelques pas du Ravel, vous propose : • de vous détendre : baignade en eau douce avec plages de sable - cafétéria - plaine de jeux - organisation d'anniversaires et d'évènements tout public • de vous promener dans 12 jardins thématiques, aux ambiances variées et surprenantes • d'en apprendre un peu plus sur la nature qui vous entoure: affûts ornithologiques, aquariums, expositions, panneaux didactiques, visites guidées, animations • de pêcher en barque ou en float-tube, ou de suivre des initiations à la pêche pour enfants et adultes
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 18.4 Km in our area
Le Phare d'Andenne - Espace Muséal
Réservez ici vos billets pour une visite de l'Espace Muséal d'Andenne (du mardi au dimanche) ou de la grotte Scladina (horaires variables) ou des expositions temporaires ! Sélectionner le jour souhaité sur l'onglet "modifier"
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 12.2 Km in our area
Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie
L'association "Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie" a été créée en 1994 pour valoriser l'identité des régions rurales wallonnes. La diversité de ses paysages et de ses bâtisses traditionnelles constitue un patrimoine naturel et architectural exceptionnel et privilégié, que l'association veut préserver et inviter à découvrir. Elle compte un réseau de 33 villages labellisés parmi les 8 régions paysagères de Wallonie. Depuis sa création, le projet porté par l'association « Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie » s'attache à la valorisation du patrimoine architectural et naturel et s'inscrit dans le développement d'un tourisme doux et responsable. Reflets d'une architecture traditionnelle, riche et diversifiée et porteurs d'une identité territoriale forte, nos villages constituent de véritables portes d'entrée vers la découverte du patrimoine culturel et naturel wallon. Au travers de multiples actions et activités, nos beaux villages contribuent au développement d'un tourisme durable et de proximité qui crée des emplois et met en valeur notre histoire, notre culture et nos produits locaux. Nos objectifs sont : Mettre en réseau les « Plus Beaux Villages » en animant et amplifiant leur notoriété par des actions aidant la promotion et le développement du tourisme rural wallon intégré dans un processus plus global de valorisation d'un tourisme durable et de proximité. Elaborer une politique de développement durable qui s'appuie d'une part sur la mise en valeur et la protection du patrimoine architectural et paysager des villages et, d'autre part, sur la valorisation des produits liés à l'identité régionale (produits du terroir, artisanat local, histoire locale…). Mieux faire connaître au public les richesses touristiques architecturales, culturelles et naturelles de la Wallonie en menant une politique de produits et d'événements (promenades, manifestations, audio-guides, …). Encourager les villages labellisés et leur Commune à développer une politique d'accueil conciliant confort du résident et des visiteurs (ex. : création d'une aire de stationnement, aménagement d'espace convivial, traitement de la signalétique d'accueil…). Et ainsi, donner aux « Plus Beaux Villages » une plus-value leur amenant l'image de marque indispensable à leur notoriété et à leur développement. Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie, c'est l'authenticité juste à côté de chez vous. Soutenez-nous dans nos actions de préservation et de valorisation du patrimoine rural ainsi que dans les activités que notre asbl met en place au sein des villages du réseau.
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Cultural activity
to 19.7 Km in our area
Syndicat d'Initiative de Dinant
Le Royal Syndicat d'Initiative de Dinant est une asbl indépendante jouant un rôle dans la promotion touristique de sa commune.
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Cultural activity
to 31.5 Km in our area
Hergé Museum
The Hergé Museum invites you on a journey through the life of one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century ! Discover a comprehensive perspective via thousands of sources from and related to the work of Hergé. More than 80 original plates, and 800 photographs, documents and objects have been brought together under one roof. The building itself was designed and built within the picturesque green setting of Walloon Brabant, by the architect Christian de Portzamparc: a little like a Grail hidden within a sacred grove! The Hergé Museum is much more than your average museum: visitors travel deep within the life and work, the trials, tribulations, and astounding creativity of one man, and in doing so traverse the era in which he lived. Average duration per visit : 1:30 - 2:00 The visit of the Hergé Museum can be booked online, only for the following individual rates: Normal price: 12.00 € Large families / Students / Seniors 65+: € 7.00 Children from 7 to 14 years old / Teacher Card / Students in Louvain-la-Neuve: € 5.00 Children under 7 / Person with a disability: Free entrance Subscription Museumpass Passport 365 SHEDEALS A valid proof must be presented at the reception of the Hergé Museum to benefit from a preferential rate . There is a completely free audio guide application, which can be downloaded in advance to your smartphone via Google Play and the App Store (links available on the home page of our website). Free Sunday : Since 2013, the Hergé Museum is part of the free action every first Sunday of each month created on the initiative of the ASBL Arts & Publics. The booking of your free tickets must be made online. For specific rates and partnerships such as Article 27 - Escapades - UDA Member - Journalist ..., reservations are not possible online and must be made through the Booking Services; by phone +32 (0) 10 488 413 or For group visits (minimum 15 participants) and the organization of a guided tour, the reservation must be made by email to the Reservation Service
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Cultural activity
to 31.7 Km in our area
Provincial Domaine of Chevetogne
Located in the heart of Wallonia, in the province of Namur, the Domaine de Chevetogne concentrates in one place and over a vast area (nearly 600 hectares) all the expectations of the family: convivial spaces, marked out walking paths through woods and gardens, sports grounds, a dozen gardens, 13 fabulous playgrounds, grandiose on the scale of the site, and many other activities. The park is dedicated to outdoor life, bringing together nature and culture lovers, outdoor recreation enthusiasts, sports enthusiasts and of course children of all ages looking for space and adventure to create.
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Cultural activity
to 32.1 Km in our area
ÔÔ Paradis des Sens - Parfumerie & Découvertes autour de 7 Sens
ÔÔ Paradis des Sens, est un lieu magique où, à travers une activité récréative et ludique, vous vivrez une expérience sensorielle inoubliable ! Pour individuels & Familles - Groupes & Sociétés ATELIERS de CRÉATION de PARFUMS Que cela soit pour passer un bon moment ou pour créer un Parfum personnalisé que personne d'autre au monde n'aura, vous vivrez une expérience sensorielle inoubliable, une activité inédite pour toutes les générations ! Vous découvrirez votre moi intérieur en créant vous-même un Parfum qui vous ressemble assisté par votre Formateur, un superbe voyage dans l'Espace, le Temps et la Sensualité ! ******* PARCOURS OLFACTIFS Dans un cadre très chaleureux, une balade pour découvrir le "Mur des Tentations" avec ses magnifiques Parfums et Savons, le Bar à Thés Olfactifs & Spéciaux tout en apprenant de façon distillée les catégories de Parfums, les Familles Olfactives et en comprenant les concepts innovants proposés par la maison ÔÔ Paradis des Sens très loin de l'histoire, de fabrication ou de la chimie ... en un mot, un superbe voyage dans l'Espace, le Temps et la Sensualité pour toutes les générations ! (N.B. 100% du temps en déplacement) En ces temps de "Coronavirus" nous avons évidemment choisi de vous proposer de nouvelles formules innovantes, comme toujours chez ÔÔ Paradis des Sens, mais aussi qui offrent une sécurité accrue pour tous ! Cadeau original à petit prix, anniversaire d'enfants / d'adultes, soirées privées, évènements, mariages, Team building, incentives, parfums d'entreprise, dynamisation de votre activité (Horeca, musée, centre de vacances, asbl, club, ... ), sorties scolaires didactiques et interactives, visites idéales pour groupes et autocaristes ! Les patrons seront ravis de vous faire découvrir leur Petit coin de Paradis insolite de manière passionnée ! ÔÔ Paradis des Sens c'est … Convivialité – Disponibilité - Interactivité Inoubliable – Innovateur - Insolite selon un Concept Unique en Europe Activités & Produits à partir de 6 € seulement ! Tout en restant à l'écoute de vos besoins et envies spécifiques, ÔÔ Paradis des Sens propose ses Ateliers de créations de Parfums, des "Visites" ludiques et interactives mais aussi bien d'autres activités passionnantes pour votre société privée, administration, école, asbl, club, musée, parc d'attraction, centre de vacances, restaurant / hôtel … en nos installations ou chez Vous ! ... partout au monde ! accès très aisé (N5 / E420 - A304) - accès PMR - grand parking (autocars, motorhomes & motos bienvenus) En dehors des Visites, Ateliers et autres nombreuses Activités, vous pouvez également commander, en option, nos délicieuses boissons SPECIALES ainsi que pour les groupes notre RESTAURATION innovante & Parfumée ... un Buffet à base avec toute une série de spécialités du Terroir préparées à base de nos Thés Olfactifs ... que vous trouverez QUE chez nous !! + lors de toutes nos activités à Walcourt vous aurez la possibilité d'acheter, à prix intéressants , nos parfums et autres articles et même de réserver un atelier pour créer vous-même votre propre Eau de Parfum ! (pensez déjà à vos cadeaux d'anniversaire, cadeau original pour la Saint-Valentin, chèque-cadeau pour la fête des Mères, bon-cadeau de fêtes de fin d'année, etc.) N.B. ÔÔ Paradis des Sens vous propose beaucoup d'autres Formules et des "Formules à la Carte" qu'il n' y a pas moyen de réserver en ligne, nous vous invitons à nous contacter afin de pouvoir répondre au mieux à vos envies & besoins spécifiques ! Nous organisons des soirées, journées et week-ends thématiques avec ou sans "restauration" (les fameuses "ÔÔ Découvertes gustatives !").
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Cultural activity
to 44.5 Km in our area
Steam Railway of the 3 Valleys
The 3 Valleys steam railway is a 14 km long standard gauge Belgian tourist railway, created in 1973, and which operates in the Walloon Region in particular the Mariembourg - Treignes section of line 132 ( Charleroi to Vireux- Molhain , in France ). It has a significant heritage of historic railway rolling stock from several countries, and every year organizes a steam festival appreciated by many enthusiasts. - September 27th & 28th, 2025 : Steam Festival
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Sport activities
to 43.7 Km in our area
Natura Parc
Located in a natural setting of unique beauty in Belgium on the banks of the Plate Taille lake at the Eau d'Heure Lakes , the Natura Parc is an adventure park offering several sports activities in the heart of nature . Among these activities, the park has several tree climbing courses , zip lines including two round trips over the lake, a pendulum jump, a free fall and many other activities. Let yourself be seduced by this unique adventure park in Wallonia and its multiple activities to do with family or friends on the banks of the most beautiful lake in Belgium . Whatever your level, wake up the adventurer in you and go to Natura Parc . You will always find the activity that best fits your desires of harness!
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Cultural activity
to 43.6 Km in our area
Fondation Folon
Reservations are only required for activities, workshops and visits led by a Foundation animator. 20 minutes south of Brussels, in the wonderful Solvay park, the Ferme du Château de La Hulpe houses the Fondation Folon. It presents more than forty years of creation, in a lively and original scenography imagined by the Belgian artist, Jean-Michel Folon (1934-2005). He opens the book of his life to us. Through the pages, the visitor discovers the multiple facets of his art and his universe among the 350 works on display: watercolors, serigraphs, engravings, posters, diverted objects, stained glass, sculptures and optical effects enliven an interactive journey: we enters a huge book, one enters the head of the Blue Man, one gets lost in games of mirrors, one discovers endless posters and the secrets of the artist's workshop, to end the journey under a myriad of stars. After your visit, stroll through the 227 hectares of greenery of the Solvay park, with varied landscapes, bordered by ponds and inhabited by remarkable flora and fauna.
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Cultural activity
to 46.9 Km in our area
Hotton Caves
!!!PRIOR RESERVATION STRONGLY RECOMMENDED!!! Welcome to the Caves of Hotton! Exceptional natural heritage of Wallonia, the Caves of Hotton are the only ones to be fully classified. Browse its titanic galleries. Dominate a 30-meter chasm. Contemplate the fragile draperies. Hear the roar of the torrent and experience the emotion of the underground world with our guides. Since 2000, a course 3 times longer and twice as deep allows you to contemplate the extraordinary variety of shapes and colors of the concretions of the cave. You will descend 65m underground to discover an underground river and climb 30m on foot and 35m by elevator.
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Sport activities
to 42.3 Km in our area
Guided vintage bike rides (Uni Moke)
Explore the Viroin Valley during our guided vintage e-bike rides. This activity is recommended for family groups. Qualities and advantages: This activity can be practiced from 12 years old and up to 77 years old; The walk is guided; The saddle has a very large seat which, for some models, allows a child to accompany you; The power of the batteries makes the ride accessible to anyone young or old; Easy access parking; Beverage / snack vending machines; The start of a small luna-park, called Lunatich; Scooters and Segways are also available for hire for a short ride; -> at the end of the walk, the women say they don't have sore buttocks (lol)
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Cultural activity
to 42.9 Km in our area
Seneffe Castle and Domain
Live the 18th century in the 21st! Welcome to the Age of Enlightenment From one day to the next, the 18th century at the Château de Seneffe means discovering the new scenography of the permanent collection of the Goldsmith Museum of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in a fun and lively way. An exhibition that highlights the collections and allows visitors to live the "imagined" life of the lords of the Enlightenment, starting from an almanac. A place for walks, the Parc du Domaine du Château de Seneffe is also a site for outdoor contemporary art exhibitions , an event space where visitors are seduced by the bucolic landscape and the variety of events. For catering , treat yourself to a gourmet break attasting room of the château "Les Saveurs des Lumières".
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Cultural activity
to 37 Km in our area
Our services treasure hunt experiences Our store walking maps postcards recycled bags and key rings local beers goodies (caps, games, magnets, etc.) ...
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Cultural activity
to 23.4 Km in our area
Moulin Ferrières - Héron
The Moulin de Ferrières offers a warm welcome, in an enchanting setting! In addition to the flour mill, visitors will find a complete tourist offer, with its tourist reception, its local products shop, its accommodation, its restaurant and its bakery. The site is also accessible for a simple walk, a picnic or a moment of rest, with family or friends. Le Moulin offers bicycle rentals and is the scene of various events throughout the year.
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Cultural activity
to 28.7 Km in our area
Maison du Tourisme Terres-de-Meuse
Terres-de-Meuse, surprising by nature The new destination in the Province of Liège welcomes you to its land, from Hesbaye to Condroz through the Meuse Valley. You are greedy for a change of scenery and authenticity? Our region, rural and contrasted, unveils all its assets to make your stay unforgettable. Natural and heritage treasures, activities of relaxation and festivities for young and old, let yourself be surprised by the infinite range of ideas offered in all seasons. Change your pace and take the time to (discover) yourself. The remarkable heritage and landscape diversity of the Terres-de-Meuse are a delight for lovers of walks and historical curiosities. Classic or unusual, our warm accommodations invite you to recharge your batteries, the richness of our gastronomy with earthy accents invites you to its table. Explore the Terres-de-Meuse, time for a getaway, a weekend or for a longer stay. And be certain: all your tastes are in our nature. The team of the Maison du Tourisme
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Sport activities
to 29 Km in our area
Arboréo est un parc aventure familial situé à quelques kms de Charleroi dans un écrin de verdure : le centre de délassement de Marcinelle. Le parc dispose de parcours accrobranche pour les 3-6 ans pour leurs premières aventures à quelques mètres du sol, des parcours pour les petits aventuriers à partir de 7 ans ou l'aventure totale à partir de 12 ans. Ce parc vallonné dispose également d'un parcours de tyrolienne exclusif ou encore un saut dans le vide : le Quick Jump. Pour prolonger l'aventure, le parc dispose également d'un jeu explor games : Le Multiscope , jeu d'aventure scénarisé, dont vous êtes les héros, pour (re)découvrir le monde qui vous entoure sous un angle fun et immersif ! Il y a en a pour tous à Arboréo, une mine d'aventure, plongez dans ce cadre paisible et dépaysant de loisirs au porte de Charleroi.
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Cultural heritage
to 58.5 Km in our area
Château Féodal de La Roche-en-Ardenne
Go back in time and discover the ruins of the famous feudal castle which overlooks the charming little town of La Roche-en-Ardenne. Dominating the valley, nestled between a loop of the Ourthe and the steep sides of the Deister hill, the ruins of the medieval castle, built between the 11th-12th and 13th centuries, stand out in their dark and imposing mass. At certain times of the year, several activities take place inside the castle such as archery and crafts, falconry shows, ... Some summer evenings, around nightfall except in bad weather, we can even see the ghost of Countess Berthe de La Roche prowling around the ruins of the castle, at the very spot of her death. Price: €6.5 per child (aged 3 to 12) + €2/p.p. during animations. €8.5 per adult (aged 12 and over) + €2/p.p. during animations. Group rate (+ 15 people ): discount of €0.50 p.p. By reservation by e-mail: E-mail address: Guided tour: €50 per guide. Guided tour + tasting of our local products: €27 p.p. For your information: Please note that the site may be closed in the event of snow and / or ice. In this case, tickets will remain valid until a later date. We're open weekdays from 1pm to 4pm and weekends and school vacations from 11am to 4:30pm. Last entry 30 minutes before closing time. The visit takes 45 minutes. Unfortunately, the site is not accessible to persons with reduced mobility. Dogs on leads are welcome at the castle. Please book by e-mail for 15 people or more : . We wish you a pleasant visit to our magnificent castle! The team of the Feudal Castle of La Roche-en-Ardenne.
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Sport activities
to 44.8 Km in our area
Espace Fun
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Why we recommend these places
Sport activities
to 45.8 Km in our area
Pro1Golf Entertainment Center - Lakes Golf Club
Whether you are a beginner or a confirmed player, whether you are with friends or family, join us in this unique place in the heart of the site of the Eau d'Heure Lakes, where you can entertain, improve your technique and pass a nice day. " The 1st 'Golf Entertainment Center' of Belgium Nestled in the heart of the Eau d'Heure Lakes site, the Pro1Golf Entertainment Center - Golf des Lacs opened on the banks of the Plate-Taille. Big or small, with family or friends, you will be able to live an unforgettable golf experience. The Pro1Golf Fun Park is the center of family and leisure activities open to all. It consists of a compact 9-hole course accessible from the first day, a FootGolf and DiscGolf course , and a 9-hole Putt-Putt course (mini golf revisited) . This playful golf concept guarantees an entertaining moment for all ages and whatever your level and makes this space a must for your group activities (incentives, schools, birthdays ...). The one-of-a-kind Pro1Golf Academy offers a variety of themed posts that will help beginner and experienced golfers practice their skills in situations encountered in the field. It is completed by a 3-step experience course allowing novices to refine their skills. New 2022 Toptracer Range Offering magnificent views of the lake, the 9-hole course (PAR 36 - 3.000 m) is playable all year round thanks to its synthetic greens and is a real challenge for golfers of all levels. Each second and fourth Saturday of the month (14h) are organized free introductions, which will allow participants to discover the different facilities and the various courses and subscriptions.
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Sport activities
to 48 Km in our area
Domain of Palogne
Nestled in the hollow of a green valley, in the heart of the Domaine, the Ferme de Palogne exudes well-being and welcomes you to countless possibilities for relaxation and nature sports: kayaks, mountain biking (3 mountain biking circuits of 12 km), Marked walks (9 suggestions from 2.5 to 11 km - maps on sale at reception points), playground, mini-golf, multi-sports ground... Don't miss the ""Al la Gatte d'Or"" tavern located in the old 18th century dwelling: taste the local specialties and enjoy a pleasant moment with family or friends!
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Sport activities
to 40 Km in our area
Centre de Délassement de Claire-Fontaine
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Sport activities
to 52.7 Km in our area
204 Adventures
Departing from Hony, on the banks of the Ourthe and along the Ravel! Cross the breathtaking landscapes of the Ourthe valley, on an extraordinary bike in "route 66" mode. If you wish, you will leave with a trailer full of local delicacies for a picnic on the road!
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Commercial service
to 51.6 Km in our area
Essai Grotte De Goyet
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Commercial service
to 58.1 Km in our area
La Boutique de Wallonie
La Boutique de Wallonie, en plein coeur de Bruxelles, vous propose de nombreaux souvenirs ainsi que de délicieux produits de notre terroir wallon. Produits de bouche artisanaux de qualité (huiles et moutardes aromatisées, épices, confiures, chocolats et confiseries...), large gamme de vins, bières, alcools et spiriteux. Mais aussi des cadeaux origniaux, du textile, des cosmétiques, des livres et plus encore. Une véritable caverne de trésors wallons !
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Commercial service
to 42.7 Km in our area
Evasions VTT
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Festivals and events
to 48.8 Km in our area
formation animagic
Bike ride in Soignies - Discovering the Grand Tour Saint-Vincent. Do you know the Grand Tour St Vincent? This pilgrimage route is dedicated to Vincent Madelgaire, holy founder of Soignies. Every Whit Monday for 758 years, pilgrims have traveled this 12 km circuit that circles the city. For 3 hours, your guide will take you by bike in their footsteps along a rural and urban route, where you will discover mills, chapels, churches, an oratory, beautiful heritage viewpoints, as well as the castle and the park of master quarryman PJ Wincqz.
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